On Sat, Oct 24, 2020 at 11:53 AM Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Remembering back to long ago when we only had 640k of RAM at the most,
> there were editors that kept three screens of data in memory at once - the
> current page, the previous page, and the next page.  When the user scrolled
> forward (say), parts of the next page would be brought in, and when
> necessary another page would be read in from disk. An analogy would be a
> long continuous (paper) scroll, where only one part in the middle would be
> visible at any one time.
> This scheme would seem to fit right in with your thoughts above.

Alas not. Leo's clone-find commands would pull in the entire db. That's why
we need a search that is disconnected from positions and generators.


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