The Overview page for Pydantic offers the following Rationale 
<>, which makes me think that 
it might be of interest to Leo's users and Leo's developers: 

«So *pydantic* uses some cool new language features, but why should I 
actually go and use it?

*plays nicely with your IDE/linter/brain *There's no new schema definition 
micro-language to learn. If you know how to use python type hints, you know 
how to use *pydantic*. Data structures are just instances of classes you 
define with type annotations, so auto-completion, linting, mypy 
<>, IDEs (especially PyCharm 
<>), and your intuition 
should all work properly with your validated data.

*dual use **pydantic's* BaseSettings 
<> class allows 
*pydantic* to be used in both a "validate this request data" context and in 
a "load my system settings" context. The main differences are that system 
settings can be read from environment variables, and more complex objects 
like DSNs and python objects are often required.*fast *In benchmarks 
<> *pydantic* is faster than 
all other tested libraries.

*validate complex structures *use of recursive *pydantic* models 
, typing's standard types 
<> (e.g. 
List, Tuple, Dictetc.) 
and validators <> allow 
complex data schemas to be clearly and easily defined, validated, and 

*extensible**pydantic* allows custom data types 
<> to be 
defined or you can extend validation with methods on a model decorated with 
the validator <>

*dataclasses integration *As well as BaseModel, *pydantic* provides a 
dataclass <> decorator 
which creates (almost) vanilla python dataclasses with input data parsing 
and validation.»


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