Hello Thomas,

tbp1...@gmail.com schrieb am Mittwoch, 15. September 2021 um 15:30:25 UTC+2:

> For those interested in how the background color is computed, here is the 
> algorithm:
> 1. Parse the Leo theme's style sheet and extract the body text foreground 
> and background colors.
> 2. If the theme has a light background, use a slightly darker color; if 
> the theme bg is dark, use a slightly lighter color.  Keep the hue the same, 
> only changing the intensity (change only V in the HSV triple).  If the bg 
> color is not specified, guess based on the fg color (currently this is a 
> very simple minded guess)..
> 3. If the theme's bg color is very dark, use a larger change in intensity 
> than otherwise (because the minimum perceptible change seems to be larger 
> in the V value for very dark colors).
> Please let us know how the highlighting works for you!

Works like a charm for me.

On Wednesday, September 15, 2021 at 9:13:40 AM UTC-4 tbp1...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Highlighting of the body line the cursor is now in the latest version of 
>> the *devel* branch. Highlighting is turned off by default.  To turn it 
>> on, add a setting to myLeoSettings.leo, or to an outline in which you want 
>> to try it out.  The setting is:
>> @bool highlight-body-line = True
>> By default, the highlight color will be computed based on the background 
>> color of your theme.  If you do not like the computed color, you can 
>> override it with another setting:
>> @string line-highlight-color = yourcolor
>> Instead of *yourcolor*,  use the CSS color you want.  Valid css colors 
>> are standard css color names like *aliceblue*, *lightgrey*, etc. You can 
>> also use css rgb color values like *#1253da*. If the color is not a 
>> valid css color, black will be used, which is not likely to be a good 
>> highlight color. (Note that the allowed color names are those known to Qt, 
>> and may not include the full range used by browsers).
>> The *Help/Open Help topics* menu has a new entry 
>> *Help-For-Highlight-Current-Line*  that displays this information about 
>> the color settings.
Thanks a lot for adding this visual improvement.

With kind regards,


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