I'm not a big fan of counts of lines of code, but sometimes it's fun or 
otherwise useful.  I didn't see a script to count the LOC in scripts.leo or 
PyLeoRef.leo, so I came up with one, but I wondered whether anyone else has 
a slicker one.

My script counts lines of code in a Leo subtree, not in external files.  
The subtree could be a file, but doesn't need to be.

Of course, there's the question of what counts as a line of code.  Part of 
that is whether a docstring counts.  If it does, the code is way easier 
since you don't have to figure out where a docstring begins or ends.  

My version counts all non-blank, non-comment, non-directive lines.  So it 
omits Python decorators, but there are unlikely to be enough of them to 
really matter.  Here's my script:

"""Count non-blank, non-comment, non-directive lines in subtree."""
p = c.p
nodes = p.self_and_subtree()
cnt = 0
for n in nodes:
    lines = [l for l in n.b.split('\n') if l.strip()]
    lines = [l for l in lines if not l.lstrip()[0] in ('#', '@')]
    cnt += len(lines)
g.es(cnt, f'lines of code in "{p.h}"')

This executes pretty fast even on  a large outline like PyLeoRef, which for 
the *Code* subtree outputs

154966 lines of code in "Code" 

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