I have adapted the VR3 plugin to run in a tab in the log pane instead of in 
its own pane.  The way I did it, it's not strictly a plugin, but it has all 
the same functionality.  There is a script to toggle the tab on or off, and 
a button to run the script.  It was easy to make the change.  I'm finding I 
like it in a tab (most of the time) instead of in its own pane.  And it is 
possible to make the log pane take up its own, full-height panel, in which 
case you would have three full-height panels just like you probably have 
with the current VR3.

I'm fairly sure the plugin version could be made to open either in its own 
pane or in a tab.  It would have to be one way or the other, so there would 
probably be a setting to specify which way to open (details to be worked 
out later).

I'm just wondering if there is any interest in this capability.  If you are 
a VR3 user, or think you might become one, would you please let me know?  

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