Leo issue #2983 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/2983> 
suggests supporting so-called *blackened sentinels*, sentinel lines that 
start with "# @" instead of the usual "#@". Such lines can arise (in 
external files created by @file) after the user reformats the file with 
Black <https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>.

PR #2985 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/2985> contains the 
changes, which involve inherently dangerous changes to Leo's read code. 
#2983 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/2983> gives the 
rationale for accepting the risks involved, which I'll repeat here:

Leo *cannot *prevent Leonistas from blackening external files 
*unintentionally*. Black's *existence* imposes a burden on Leo.

Leo *should not* prevent Leonistas from blackening external files 
--black-sentinels avoids huge diffs in projects mandating Black.

Any change to Leo's read/write code is inherently dangerous, but doing 
nothing may be more dangerous in the long run.

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