On Sat, Apr 8, 2023 at 8:01 AM Thomas Passin <tbp100...@gmail.com> wrote:

Leo already handles "~", so we don't need "{{~}}".

Hmm. You are probably right.

> We don't need {{sep}} if the handling code makes the adjustment for "/" vs
> "\" automatically.

This is the dreaded g.os_path_normslashes. We have to be extremely careful
about this issue.  The draft PR #3264
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3264> supports only '/'
within path expressions, and then only to separate '..' items, so I *think*
the draft is good.

  This would be highly desirable anyway because sometimes the best way to
> get the right path is to copy it in the OS's file browser and paste it in
> directly which will insert native path separators.  Changing them all is a
> pain and I find it to be error prone.  And I have sometimes ended up with a
> mix of separator types.  Leo should handle this case automatically,
> adjusting the separators as needed for the OS.

The PR would be broken if you had to change any of your existing outlines
that *don't* already use path expressions.

> I agree that ".." steps should be handled correctly but I don't see that
> they need to be enclosed in braces.

Another hmm. It seems like a great idea and I'm not sure exactly what Leo
already does.

We should try for maximum readability and clarity in the path expressions.

As long as we don't break existing outlines!

In my experience, the biggest need, apart from the separators, is to adjust
> the path prefix (the entire path up to but not including the file name)
> from one system to another.

Exactly. That's all the PR allows.

> To me it seems that one capability would be to have conditional
> expressions.  For example:
> @clean {windows: c:\tom\devel\llm; linux: ~/Test/leo/llm}/small_llm_1.py

Let's get the basics working first.

This kind of hack is why I suggested writing scripts as a workaround.

Thomas, please review the PR.  Thanks.


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