On Thursday, April 13, 2023 at 9:32:36 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:



*test_g_finalize* and *test_g_finalize_join* were responses to Thomas's 
compatibility concerns. I worked on these two tests for several days before 
realizing that these tests weren't the whole story!

The very first test case in test_g_finalize_join shows the problem. 
g.finalize('a.py') must return an absolute path relative to os.getcwd(), 
*not* the directory containing the outline! In other words, the *callers *of 
g.finalize_join are responsible for specifying the absolute path.

I don't think that this agrees with my understanding of how things have 
worked in the past.  Please correct me if it's not so.

1. Paths in at-files should *not* depend on os.getcwd() because that value 
is state-dependent and is not necessarily defined only by the current 
outline.  The user may have run various scripts that changed it.  This 
could lead to changing and unpredictable locations for external files.

2.  When I create an external file like this, I expect its path to be 
relative to the *outline*:

@file special/good.py

3. When I use an @path node like this, I expect the at file to be located 
at a path which starts with the @path expression:

@path special
    @file good.py   # Path should be special/good.py relative to the 

4. Since the @path expression is to be prepended to the at-file path, if 
the @path is an absolute path, the at-file path should be absolute, not 
relative to the outline.

5. What should happen if *both* the @path and the @file contain absolute 
paths?  Of course, this shouldn't happen but what if it did?  I would say 
that the at-file's path should prevail, the @path should be disregarded, 
and an error message should be given on the first attempt to save the file.

IMO, 2) and 3) are **essential** for stability and sanity.  The changeset 
in devel as of yesterday afternoon behaves correctly with all the outlines 
containing external files I have opened.  I have not yet tested whether my 
@rst files go to the right place when I run the rst3 command.

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