This Engineering Notebook post discusses work arising from PR #3282 
<>. This PR will fix 
problems coloring html <script> elements.  Along the way, I have discovered 
some improvements that I'll discuss here. Don't worry. I plan *no* 
substantial changes to Leo's colorizing code. 

*Note*: no part of the ENB affects leoJS.


jEdit *rules *drive Leo's default colorizer. For every language *x* that 
Leo supports, the file leo/modes/ describes those rules. Let's call 
this file the *modes file* for language x.

Qt's colorizer class calls Leo to colorize *one line at a time.* Each rule 
describes a *pattern* that may match at a given position *i* of a *single*
 line *s*.

Leo's *JEditColorizer *class calls a rule *R* at s[i] only if rule R could 
possibly match the character at s[i]. This optimization (and others) make 
Leo's colorizing exceptionally fast.

Some rules may *delegate* colorizing of spans of text to *another* mode 
file. Delegated coloring is complex and error-prone. Problems with 
delegation are at the heart of issue #3281 


All projected improvements involve *specialization* of a particular rule. 
- simplify the *calls *of rules in the modes file for a particular language.
- improve the speed of the specialized rule.

For example, *jedit.match_plain_seq* is considerably faster than 
*jedit.match_seq* because it does fewer tests. leo/modes/ replaces 
*all* calls to match_seq by match_plain_seq.

*Special-purpose rules*

The JEditColorizer class already contains special-purpose rules not found 
in the original jEdit rule sets. For example, *jedit.match_leo_keywords* 
succeeds if s[i] starts any Leo keyword. Leo defines many other specialized 

While working on PR #3282, I realized that larger-scale rules might help 
with problems with delegation. For example, 
*jedit.match_html_script_element* could handle the messy details of 
coloring the javascript text between <script> and </script> elements.

A specialized rule could also handle languages like vue.js 
<> that intermix different styles of colorizing. 
Currently, we Leonistas must specify the various "component" languages 


PR #3282 removes clutter from modes files and accelerates rule matching. 
These changes also suggest using more specialized rules to handle complex 

None of these changes will affect leoJS. None will change the architecture 
of the JEditColorizer class. 


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