On Tuesday, May 2, 2023 at 1:04:27 PM UTC-4 jkn wrote:

There was a much older 'python in a spreadsheet' program, created by 
Resolver Systems. I followed it with interest, they tried to create a 
commercial product out of it but failed.

That product used IronPython - an alternate implementation of Python 
implemented on the Dynamic Language Runtime for .NET 
<https://ironpython.net>. Resolver Systems is long gone, but IronPython is 
still out there, though development by its tiny team is slow - the current 
release added Python3 features, and was released early in 2023; it is 
closest to CPython 3.4. 

Unlike CPython, IronPython has no Global Interpreter Lock ("GIL"), and it 
used unicode for strings long before that was sorted out in CPython. 
Differences between IronPython and CPython make IronPython a dialect, but  
one well-suited to multi-threaded projects. It is an excellent "glue 
language" as it is an interpreter with a JIT compiler; it has full access 
to .NET  as well as to Win32; it also has access to libraries accessible 
through CTypes. In my day job, I write complex macros in IronPython for an 
application that controls exotic hardware; I prefer the IronPython 
read-eval-print-loop to compiling code through a heavyweight IDE and 
compiler that Get In My Way. 

Michael Foord and Christian Muirhead, who were with Resolver Systems, wrote an 
excellent book on IronPython 
<https://www.manning.com/books/ironpython-in-action>. While its content has 
not been updated to address the current release, its exploration of .NET 
specifics makes it worth reading for the newcomer to IronPython. 

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