Again it happended. But now it happoend with vanilla nodes, as I replaced 
all clones by copies of the respective nodes. A section is cut off at 


which becomes a node title. This node's body contains then all the sub 
nodes of the respective Leo tree.

What I need is an @auto-md that does not read, which for me makes no sense 
anyway: The content is in my Leo tree and should just be written into an 
MD-file, that will be processed by mkdocs.


On Friday, May 26, 2023 at 12:58:51 PM UTC+2 wrote:

> Thanks a lot!
> As for the loss of "cloneness" upon opening the file: I had this as well 
> and got a hint here in this group (IIRC). Now the clones keep being clones 
> and my Leo file has a node "@persistence" not added by me, but 
> automatically somehow.
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 4:47:19 PM UTC+2 wrote:
> The GitHub issue is 3355 
> <>.
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 10:40:25 AM UTC-4 Thomas Passin wrote:
> The loss of clones is specific to *@auto-md* trees (although I have not 
> tested other *@auto-xx* trees):
> In an outline with both *@clean* and an *@auto-md* trees, when the 
> outline is closed and re-opened, the clone nodes of the *@clean* tree 
> remained but the clone nodes of the *@auto-md* tree were no longer clones.
> I don't know what the original intention was with respect to *@auto-md 
> *trees, 
> but this seems like a serious bug to me.  I'll create an issue for it.
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 10:10:34 AM UTC-4 Thomas Passin wrote:
> I see where the problem is - or at least *a* problem - is, and it's 
> serious. The problem I see is that when an outline with clones is 
> re-opened, the clones are no longer clones.  This did not happen when I 
> created some clones in my Workbook, so there are some conditions yet to be 
> determined. I'll experiment some more to try to pin it down.  The outline 
> which showed the problem had both an *@auto-md* and an *@clean* tree.  
> I'll try outlines with them separately and report back.
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 8:22:58 AM UTC-4 Thomas Passin wrote:
> @Edward recently re-worked some of the importers.  If you can use the 
> current version of the devel branch (in GitHub) it would be worth trying.  
> Can you share a tree that suffers from the problem?  Or a minimal version 
> that does?
> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 5:12:30 AM UTC-4 wrote:
> Sorry, it's Leo 6.6.4 on Arch Linux.
> On Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 8:17:44 PM UTC+2 wrote:
> I tried out what you wrote and didn't get an error with an *@auto-md* 
> file.  It is only a tiny, simple file so maybe it's not enough of a test.  
> Here is what I did:
> 1. Created an @auto-md file with the following structure:
> @clean c:\temp\leo\
>     Markdown Test Tree
>         A1
>             A1.1
>                 A1.1.1
>         A2
> 2. I added a line *@others *to the top of the body of the top node.  I 
> wrote a line or two for most of the nodes.  Then I saved the outline.
> 3. I added a new top-level node outside the *@auto-md* node.  I cloned 
> node *A1* into it.
> 4. In the cloned *A1.1* node, I added a new line.
> 5. I observed in an external editor that the *@auto-md* file had the 
> intended change.
> 6. I closed and reopened the outline.
> 7.  I did not see any corruption in the outline.
> Could you write more detail about the *@auto-md* file that ended up with 
> a corrupted outline, and whether you use an *@others* line in it?  And is 
> this the only such file that caused a problem?  And also the version of Leo 
> and the OS (though it doesn't seem likely that the OS is playing a part).
> On Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 1:58:13 PM UTC-4 Thomas Passin wrote:
> Maybe @clean or even @file would work for you (not that I've tried them 
> with clones, which I'll try out soon) instead of @auto-md.  I don't think  
> that @auto-md really gets you anything that they don't, although you will 
> need to put *@language md* at  the start of the body of the top node.
> On Tuesday, May 23, 2023 at 12:51:48 PM UTC-4 wrote:
> An example:
> @auto-md
>     clone-node_1
>     clone-node_2
> @auto-md
>     clone-node_1
>     clone-node_2
> Changes in a clone causes (don't know exactly when, probably when reading 
> the LEO file) that the tree hierarchy is partially destroyed. The content 
> remains, but ends up in a node that didn't exist before and whose heading 
> consists of parts of the content.
> I think this could be prevented if @auto-md would only write. Do I see 
> that right? And can I force this somehow?
> Best regards
> Paul

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