This Engineering Notebook post discusses PR #3215 
<>, especially Thomas's 
valid concerns about compatibility. Despite mistakes, work is going well. 
Our collaboration has been a great success.

Consider this post an update to the PR's requirements, hehe.

*Hot spots*

The PR touches many files, but only the following are of concern:

- *g.findUNL* resolves legacy (path-based) unls (to a position).

- *g.findGNX* resolves new (gnx-based) unls.

- *g.handleUNL* opens other outlines using the *file part* of a legacy unl.

- *LeoQtLog.put* contained an ugly hack, now removed.

- *p.get_UNL* returns the (clickable) unl for p. This is not the same as 

- ** uses complex code found in g.handleUNL.

- The new section *<< About clickable links >>* documents unls.


I have rewritten a unit test, TestGlobals.test_g_findGNX, but this test 
does not cover clicks in unls! I use *leo/test/**test.leo* to test 
clickable links and error messages by hand.

*File parts are broken*

The PR mishandles the file part of legacy unls. I removed too much code in 
g.handleUNL. However, the legacy code was also buggy. It resolved file 
parts using Leo-specific paths!

Imo, g.handleUNL (or a new delegate) needs a new setting, say *@data 
unl_path_prefixes*. g.handleUNL will parse these data to create a 
dictionary. Keys will be outline names (as found in unls); values will be 
the first argument to os.path.join. So this setting will help convert 
outline names to absolute paths.

*Aha!* gnx-oriented unls should be allowed to contain file parts!

g.findUNL and g.findGNX now search for matches in all (open) outlines. This 
search was a failed experiment. I'll remove the code.


Two of Thomas's plugins break when p.get_UNL returns a gnx-based unl. We 
can't let that happen :-)

Otoh, I won't create a setting telling what p.get_UNL returns. That's too 
big a "mode switch" in Leo's heart. Such a switch would double Leo's 
testing load.

Most of Leo's core, including most plugins, should work regardless of what 
p.get_UNL returns. In most cases, all that matters is that Leo resolves 
unls to the proper position. Let's call this the *round-trip property* of 

I'll also revise the backlink plugin. It contains horrid legacy code from 
g.handleUNL. This code must go.

A new setting, say *@string unl-kind*, will tell what kind of unl appears 
in the status line.


I'll work with Thomas to ensure his plugins survive this PR with minimal 
changes. Most of Leo's core and plugins should continue to work as they are.

See the PR for the complete to-do list. The highlights:

- Make file parts work again.

*- *Allow file parts in gnx-oriented unls.

- *@string unl-kind* will tell what appears in the status line.

- *@data unl_path_prefixes* will contain prefixes to convert relative paths 
(in unls) to absolute paths.

Please continue testing. You can use test.leo to test clickable unls and 
error messages. 

Keep your comments and bug reports coming! There is no rush.


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