This Engineering Notebook post reminds Leonistas that you can easily create 
interactive commands using the *c.interactive* helpers. *CheatSheet.leo* 
these helpers, but a more detailed discussion is timely.

#3649 <> suggests 
creating an interactive *summary* command. The command prompts the user for 
a regex and returns a sorted list of all *unique* matches. I discovered the 
need for this command while studying the code for Ruff Format.

The first comment of #3649 
<> contains prototype 
code for the summarize command. The script prompts the user for a regular 
expression and then creates a top-level node containing the summary.


The summary command is more concise than the find-all and cff commands. I 
use summaries to suggest further cffs.

Leonistas can easily create similar commands using c.interactive1, 
c.interactive2, and c.interactive3.


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