We can't directly insert an image into a standard Leo node because they are 
text-only.  I find this very annoying sometimes, especially when I am 
writing a note and want to include an image.  

But we can do the next best thing - insert an ReStructuredText (RsT) 
instruction to display an image so that we can view it with the 
viewrendered3 plugin (VR3). The instruction is short and easy, but it's 
still annoying to type and I usually forget the exact details. I have a 
button that toggles VR3 on and off so that it's easy to view an embedded 
image once the RsT instruction is there. An embedding command would make 
embedding with Leo as easy as embedding an image in a word processor.  
 Aha, this is Leo, let's write a script!

Here is a script that pops up a file dialog and inserts a relative path to 
the chosen file.  There are several small variations which I discuss after 
the code.

"""Insert RsT code at cursor to display an image.

The path to the image file will come from a file dialog.
This action is undoable.
PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
    title="Import File",
    filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],

if PATH:
    from os.path import relpath
    PATH = relpath(PATH)
    PATH = PATH.replace('\\', '/').replace('"', '').replace("'", '')

.. figure:: {PATH}
    :scale: 50%

    w = c.frame.body.wrapper
    p = c.p
    s = p.b
    u = c.undoer

    start, _ = w.getSelectionRange()

    undoType = 'insert-rst-image-code'
    undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)

    head, tail = s[:start], s[start:]
    p.b = head + IMAGE_TEMPLATE + tail

    u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)

1.  If you want an absolute path instead of a relative path, delete the 
    from os.path import relpath
    PATH = relpath(PATH)

2. If you  want to get the path from the clipboard instead of a file 
dialog, replace the lines

PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
    title="Import File",
    filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],

with the line 

    PATH = g.app.gui.getTextFromClipboard()

3. If you want the embedded image to be full width instead of 50%, delete 
the line

    :scale: 50%

4. You can make this work with Markdown or Asciidoc by using their 
embedding instruction in the TEMPLATE instead of the RsT one.

I have added the command to my own local menu.  VR3 can open in a tab in 
the log pane; the command for toggling in a tab is *vr3-toggle-tab. * I 
usually like opening it in the log pane instead of in its own separate pane.

If you would like to create a local menu of your own and don't know how, 
it's easy.  Just ask and I'll show what to add to myLeoSettings,leo.

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