This Engineering Notebook post briefly summarizes the challenges in 
distributing Leo on pypi.

PRs #3834 <> and #3835 
<> (both drafts) contain 
the relevant code.

*New security restrictions*

All files uploaded to pypi and testpypi must have unique filenames *and*

*These new constraints are reasonable. *Code repositories such as GitHub 
and pypi are under continuous, sustained, sophisticated attacks from 
state-sponsored terrorists. The goal is to insert malware in legitimate 
software such as Leo.

*These new constraints require new scripts.* A few hours of experience 
showed that new scripts are mandatory. I now have private scripts called 
build-leo, upload-leo, install-leo and uninstall-leo. These scripts will 
eventually become part of the leo/scripts directory.

*Further work*

*- Automatically create unique filenames using **public version ids* 
The build script might use a private helper file in my home directory.

- *Automatically insert a timestamp in*. This timestamp will 
ensure that the contents of each build will be unique.

The build script (or a helper) will update these ids and timestamps 
*without* changing Leo's version number. PR3 uses a version number of, but that's likely a temporary expedient.


I yanked Leo 6.7.8 from pypi because the Python wheel was dangerous: it 
sprayed the *sub-folders *of the leo-editor/leo folder inside Python's 
site-packages folder!! Happily, `pip uninstall leo` undid the damage!

I am cycling between two bugs. The first creates no "leo" package in the 
"site-packages" folder; the second damages "site-packages" as described 

Presumably, pyproject.toml needs only a tweak, but I'm tearing out my hair 
trying to find it!


Right now, `pip install leo` installs Leo 6.7.7, not Leo 6.7.8. The bugs 
described above are release blockers.

It is no longer possible to create or debug pypi distributions without 
using helper scripts. Those scripts are my next project.

*I would greatly appreciate help debugging either PR*. My *guess* is that 
pyproject.toml needs only a tweak, but finding that tweak has not been 


P.S. Both PRs remove That's not strictly necessary, but removing should simplify distribution in the long run.


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