Looks pretty straightforward.  Perhaps you'll want to make it undoable (so 
far as Leo is concerned).  As a matter of Python programming, defining a 
main() function here isn't needed.  If you are only going to use it as a 
script, then you don't need a function at all. Just unindent those lines of 
code (and delete the "main()" line) and they will run when the script 
runs.  No need to call main() at all.   If you want that clipboard part of 
the block to run and if it succeeds then insert the markdown text into a 
node, then the function shouldn't be called "main" but something more 

On Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 4:59:25 PM UTC-4 jkn wrote:

> OK, here is a simple demonstration of part of the feature I am interested 
> in.
> When run with an image in the (global) clipboard, it saves this to a local 
> timestamped file (under ~/tmp), and indicates how a markdown reference to 
> that file could be inserted.
> There's plenty more needed but this is the QClipboard part, I think.
> import os
> import time
> def unique_png_fname():
>     """ return a unique (timestamped) filename to use
>     """
>     FORMAT="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.png"
>     return time.strftime(FORMAT)
> def link_string_md(fname):
>     """ get markdown format to insert a filename
>     """
>     return "![[%s]]" % fname
> def main():
>     # get clipboard contents - default mode is global clipboard
>     cb = g.app.gui.qtApp.clipboard()
>     # is it in image format?
>     img = cb.image()
>     if not img.isNull():
>         basefiledir = os.path.expanduser("~/tmp")
>         fqfilepath = os.path.join(basefiledir, unique_png_fname())
>         img.save(fqfilepath, "PNG")
>         g.es("wrote clipboard to:", fqfilepath)
>         g.es("could insert:", link_string_md(fqfilepath))
>     else:
>         g.es("clipboard not in image format")
> main()
> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 8:23:42 PM UTC jkn wrote:
>> Doh! should have read the documentation better.
>> you have to test for a 'null image' using eg. img.isnull()
>> on with my trivial experiments...
>> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 8:10:03 PM UTC jkn wrote:
>>> Has anyone played much with class QClipboard? I did a couple of trivial 
>>> experiments but I must be misunderstanding something.
>>> for instance, QClipboard.image() returns a non-null value even if the 
>>> clipboard does not contain an image.
>>>     J^n
>>> On Monday, March 11, 2024 at 4:33:23 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> It turns out that to get the relative path conversion w have to remove 
>>>> any quotation marks around the path before running os.relpath(). So the 
>>>> script becomes:
>>>> """Insert RsT code at cursor to display an image.
>>>> The path to the image file will come from a file dialog.
>>>> This action is undoable.
>>>> """
>>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>>     title="Import File",
>>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>>     multiple=False)
>>>> if PATH:
>>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
>>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('\\', '/')
>>>>     IMAGE_TEMPLATE = f'''
>>>> .. figure:: {PATH}
>>>>     :scale: 50%
>>>> '''
>>>>     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
>>>>     p = c.p
>>>>     s = p.b
>>>>     u = c.undoer
>>>>     start, _ = w.getSelectionRange()
>>>>     undoType = 'insert-rst-image-code'
>>>>     undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
>>>>     head, tail = s[:start], s[start:]
>>>>     p.b = head + IMAGE_TEMPLATE + tail
>>>>     c.setChanged()
>>>>     p.setDirty()
>>>>     u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)
>>>>     c.redraw()
>>>> On Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 2:04:19 PM UTC-5 Thomas Passin wrote:
>>>>> We can't directly insert an image into a standard Leo node because 
>>>>> they are text-only.  I find this very annoying sometimes, especially when 
>>>>> I 
>>>>> am writing a note and want to include an image.  
>>>>> But we can do the next best thing - insert an ReStructuredText (RsT) 
>>>>> instruction to display an image so that we can view it with the 
>>>>> viewrendered3 plugin (VR3). The instruction is short and easy, but it's 
>>>>> still annoying to type and I usually forget the exact details. I have a 
>>>>> button that toggles VR3 on and off so that it's easy to view an embedded 
>>>>> image once the RsT instruction is there. An embedding command would make 
>>>>> embedding with Leo as easy as embedding an image in a word processor.  
>>>>>  Aha, this is Leo, let's write a script!
>>>>> Here is a script that pops up a file dialog and inserts a relative 
>>>>> path to the chosen file.  There are several small variations which I 
>>>>> discuss after the code.
>>>>> """Insert RsT code at cursor to display an image.
>>>>> The path to the image file will come from a file dialog.
>>>>> This action is undoable.
>>>>> """
>>>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>>>     title="Import File",
>>>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>>>     multiple=False)
>>>>> if PATH:
>>>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>>>     PATH = PATH.replace('\\', '/').replace('"', '').replace("'", '')
>>>>>     IMAGE_TEMPLATE = f'''
>>>>> .. figure:: {PATH}
>>>>>     :scale: 50%
>>>>> '''
>>>>>     w = c.frame.body.wrapper
>>>>>     p = c.p
>>>>>     s = p.b
>>>>>     u = c.undoer
>>>>>     start, _ = w.getSelectionRange()
>>>>>     undoType = 'insert-rst-image-code'
>>>>>     undoData = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(p)
>>>>>     head, tail = s[:start], s[start:]
>>>>>     p.b = head + IMAGE_TEMPLATE + tail
>>>>>     c.setChanged()
>>>>>     p.setDirty()
>>>>>     u.afterChangeNodeContents(p, undoType, undoData)
>>>>>     c.redraw()
>>>>> Variations:
>>>>> 1.  If you want an absolute path instead of a relative path, delete 
>>>>> the lines
>>>>>     from os.path import relpath
>>>>>     PATH = relpath(PATH)
>>>>> with
>>>>> 2. If you  want to get the path from the clipboard instead of a file 
>>>>> dialog, replace the lines
>>>>> PATH = g.app.gui.runOpenFileDialog(c,
>>>>>     title="Import File",
>>>>>     filetypes=[("All files", "*"),],
>>>>>     defaultextension=".*",
>>>>>     multiple=False)
>>>>> with the line 
>>>>>     PATH = g.app.gui.getTextFromClipboard()
>>>>> 3. If you want the embedded image to be full width instead of 50%, 
>>>>> delete the line
>>>>>     :scale: 50%
>>>>> 4. You can make this work with Markdown or Asciidoc by using their 
>>>>> embedding instruction in the TEMPLATE instead of the RsT one.
>>>>> I have added the command to my own local menu.  VR3 can open in a tab 
>>>>> in the log pane; the command for toggling in a tab is 
>>>>> *vr3-toggle-tab. * I usually like opening it in the log pane instead 
>>>>> of in its own separate pane.
>>>>> If you would like to create a local menu of your own and don't know 
>>>>> how, it's easy.  Just ask and I'll show what to add to myLeoSettings,leo.

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