Hello Leonistas,

I've been exploring a program the last few weeks that seems like it might
be an answer to a long felt wish: to have a Leo-like experience for editing
and managing a rich text and media notes knowledgebase. That program
is *Trilium
Notes* <https://github.com/zadam/trilium>. It's the only application I've
encountered that uses clones in the same sense Leo does and is rooted in a
tree, branch, and node hierarchy graph. It also has executable nodes
(scripting), though unfortunately for my preferences not in python. (Oh
well, one can't ever have it all, right? ;-) I haven't had this much fun
playing with and learning a new software program since encountering Leo
I-can't-remember-how-many years ago.

I'm encountering Trilium at an awkward moment in its life: just as the
primary author is stepping aside. That said, there's a large and
enthusiastic community which has formed *Trilium Next
<https://github.com/TriliumNext> *to carry things on. At present they don't
seem to have a gravity center -- imagine twenty people standing at a
doorway emitting "oh no dear madam, after you" -- I believe/hope this will
get sorted soon though.

I don't know if there will come a day when Leo and Trilium share more than
some key architectural and function design decisions, but I figure at least
the communities should be aware of each other. (I'll be composing a similar
"hey did you know about Leo?" message for the Trilium folks too).

Felix, you might be interested to know that Trilium is written in
javascript and the major effort at the moment is converting it to
typescript. They seem to be blazing along on that front. Perhaps there are
some tools or libraries that could be extracted/shared.

 (from away)

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