#3443: XZ puts liblzma.{a,la} into /lib --------------------+------------------------ Reporter: chris | Owner: lfs-book@… Type: task | Status: new Priority: normal | Milestone: 7.5 Component: Book | Version: SVN Severity: normal | Keywords: --------------------+------------------------ The LFS installation of XZ uses --libdir=/lib, which also puts liblzma.la and liblzma.a into /lib, but static libraries and libtool files should not be in /lib. Probably the easiest solution is just to let the libraries get installed in /usr/lib, move the shared ones to /lib, and recreate /usr/lib/liblzma.so. In other words, remove the "--libdir=/lib" from configure (which also makes the "pkgconfigdir" parameter on make install unnecessary) and after make install add: {{{ mv -v /usr/lib/liblzma.so.* /lib && ln -svf ../../lib/liblzma.so.&xz-version; /usr/lib/liblzma.so }}}
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