Package         LFS      Upstream  Flag

autoconf        2.69     2.69       
automake        1.14.1   1.14.1     
bash            4.3      4.3        
bc              1.06.95  1.06.95    
binutils        2.24     2.24       
bison           3.0.2    3.0.2      
bzip2           1.0.6    1.0.6      
check           0.9.12   0.9.12     
coreutils       8.22     8.22       
dejagnu         1.5.1    1.5.1      
diffutils       3.3      3.3        
e2fsprogs       1.42.9   1.42.9     
expect          5.45     5.45       
eudev           1.5.1    1.5.1      
file            5.17     5.17       
findutils       4.4.2    4.4.2      
flex            2.5.38   2.5.38     
gawk            4.1.0    4.1.0      
gcc             4.8.2    4.8.2      
gdbm            1.11     1.11       
glibc           2.19     2.19       
gmp             5.1.3    5.1.3      
grep            2.18     2.18       
groff           1.22.2   1.22.2     
grub            2.00     2.00       
gzip            1.6      1.6        
iana-etc        2.30     -6         *
inetutils       1.9.2    1.9.2      
iproute2        3.12.0   3.12.0     
kbd             2.0.1    2.0.1      
kmod            16       16         
less            458      458        
lfs-bootscripts 20140307 20140307   
libpipeline     1.2.6    1.2.6      
libtool         2.4.2    2.4.2      
linux           3.13.5   3.13.6     *
m4              1.4.17   1.4.17     
make            4.0      4.0        
man-db          2.6.6    2.6.6      
man-pages       3.61     3.61       
mpc             1.0.2    1.0.2      
mpfr            3.1.2    3.1.2      
ncurses         5.9      5.9        
patch           2.7.1    2.7.1      
perl            5.18.2   5.18.2     
pkg-config      0.28     0.28       
procps-ng       3.3.9    3.3.9      
psmisc          22.21    22.21      
readline        6.3      6.3        
sed             4.2.2    4.2.2      
sysklogd        1.5      1.5        
sysvinit        2.88     2.88       
tar             1.27.1   1.27.1     
tcl             8.6.1    8.6.1      
tzdata          2013i    2013i      
texinfo         5.2      5.2        
util-linux      2.24.1   2.24.1     
vim             7.4      7.4        
xz              5.0.5    5.0.5      
zlib            1.2.8    1.2.8      

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