#4779: gdbm-1.19
 Reporter:  bdubbs  |       Owner:  lfs-book
     Type:  task    |      Status:  new
 Priority:  normal  |   Milestone:  10.1
Component:  Book    |     Version:  SVN
 Severity:  normal  |  Resolution:
 Keywords:          |

Comment (by bdubbs):

 Version 1.19 - 2020-12-23

 * Pre-read the memory mapped regions on systems that support it.
   - This speeds up operations on big databases.

 * gdbmtool: tagged initialization of structured data
   - Initializers for structured data can be given in tagged form, e.g.:
   - store somekey { status=2, id={a,u,x}, name="foo" }

 * Bugfixes:
   - Preserve locking type during database reorganization

Ticket URL: <http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/ticket/4779#comment:1>
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