M.Canales.es wrote:

In resumen:

Cross-build techniques are good.

To reboot using the temp tools is good, noticing that when host(machine+arch)=target(machine+arch) we can to use the old chroot way, if dessired.

To try to solve the question "How can I boot my target machine when host-machine!=target-machine?" into the book is bad. We can't test all possible combinations and scenarios, and there isn't an unique solution that can work for all.

That's a very good point. There is not going to be one solution for the reboot when different architectures are involved. We can't assume that everyone is build on the same architecture.

I have successfully built a RaQ2 temp-tools section on a x86, and have nfsroot booted and it works. Then I was able to copy everything over and it worked.

I have also successfully built the same system as above, but using chroot, after creating the directories, etc, and copied tools over and used an modified chroot.

Now how is that relevant toour discussion, a lot. Do you think we should put this information into the book, the answer is no. But instead what I did in the book was reference an hint with the supported architectures listed. I just made the commit so, here is a rendered version of what I'm talking about. That way the LFS builder can choose his method chroot, reboot via whatever. We just provide the basic toolchain and guides to get the created system to the architecture, we are not going to hand hold on this, because it's different for every architecture. http://documents.jg555.com/cross-lfs/x86/reboot/whatnext.html, yes I will be adding additional wording.

Now I want to address the why other architectures issue, that has been brought up. In my case with the RaQ2, since I was familiar with LFS, and I had a numerous supplies of RaQ2s, which had a major security hole in it's original OS. Since the vendor doesn't support them any more, I decided to make LFS work on them. Now the nice thing about the work I did is we go noticed by the Linux-mips group, and have had a lot of people starting to look at and use our methodology. That's why I have been working on this so much, and to get exposure to other architectures to see if what we have works.

For those who haven't looked at the raw xml that cross-lfs uses, there are only minor changes between the architectures, the obvious being for patches(ie glibc patches) and additional hardware specific issues (ie gcc). But the build processes are exactly the same.


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