
The UTF-8 book has been updated. The main change is addition of text about mounting filesystems with Windows origin, such as FAT and SMBFS. From now on, I don't see any substantial possible improvements, and see no value in delaying the merge. The patch against the current SVN is at:


The rendered book is at:


The patched book (unlike certain distros) still supports old 8-bit locales, and when such locale is selected, it is almost fully compatible with BLFS (exception: Mutt segfaults at startup, solved by upgrading Mutt to 1.5.10). The patched book also brings missing bits of UTF-8 support to many packages, and explains how to set up UTF-8 on Linux console and how to view translated manual pages. All of this can be seen on the latest pre-release of the LFS LiveCD, which is built according to the patched book:


UTF-8 is _still_ not fully supported (e.g. 'tr :upper: :lower:' works only on ASCII characters, 'watch' shows only ASCII characters, 'sfdisk' misaligns button labels in non-English UTF-8 locales), but the same bugs exist in all distros (including those which claim that they support only UTF-8). Because of that, such bugs should not be an obstacle.

A more important issue is that the patched book is no longer compatible with the current BLFS when the user selects some UTF-8 locale. But that's a BLFS problem, and BLFS people won't fix this until my patch gets merged into LFS. The only known solution to this incompatibility is to add notes on the pages of non-working packages (so that UTF-8 users avoid installation of those packages), because such incompatibilities will not be fixed upstream soon. The remaining packages, as can be seen on the LiveCD, still form a usable set.

Alexander E. Patrakov

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