Archaic wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 01:28:43AM -0400, Chris Staub wrote:
>> I have it at - 
>> look at the installation pages for Autoconf and Automake, and the new 
>> "Appendix C".
> Appendix C looks great. Is it safe to assume that the install and test
> deps are going to be pulled out of the individual package pages, then?

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be seeing on the installation pages
for Autoconf and Automake. Perhaps the Test Suite depends?

The appendix looks good.

I do think that the dependencies should be pulled out of the individual
packages.  No need to duplicate it in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.

However, the notes similar to

'Also note that the "destdir" test will always be skipped, because it
only works for non-root users, and several other tests will be skipped
as they depend on packages not installed in LFS'

should go in the package sections and not in the dependencies section.

  -- Bruce
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