This is getting bigger than I initially thought but personally I like it
this way.
If any of you with enough free time and some knowledge in vim internals,
please review it.
In any case I will try to open a ticket in the next days.
Index: postlfs/config/vimrc.xml
--- postlfs/config/vimrc.xml    (revision 6656)
+++ postlfs/config/vimrc.xml    (working copy)
@@ -36,10 +36,7 @@
   section you'll find an attempt to enhance this file. At startup,
   <command>vim</command> reads <filename>/etc/vimrc</filename> and
   <filename>~/.vimrc</filename> (i.e., the global <filename>vimrc</filename>
-  and the user-specific one).  Note that this is only true if you compiled
-  <application>vim</application> using LFS-3.1 onwards. Prior to this, the
-  global <filename>vimrc</filename> was
-  <filename>/usr/share/vim/vimrc</filename>.</para>
+  and the user-specific one).</para>
   <para>Here is a slightly expanded <filename>.vimrc</filename> that you can
   put in <filename>~/.vimrc</filename> to provide user specific effects. Of
@@ -49,14 +46,57 @@
   users already on the system, such as
   <systemitem class='username'>root</systemitem>. Be sure to set permissions,
   owner, and group if you do copy anything directly from
-  <filename class="directory">/etc/skel</filename>.</para>
+  <filename class="directory">/etc/skel</filename>.
+  </para>
+  <note>
+  <para>
+  There are also a <filename>vimrc_example.vim</filename> and a
+  <filename>gvimrc_example.vim</filename>,located in 
+  <filename class="directory">$VIMRUNTIME</filename> (issue: 
+  <command>echo $VIMRUNTIME</command> to find out the $VIMRUNTIME directory),
+  which both are good starting points.</para>
+  <para>
+  You can source one of those example vim files,if you put in your 
+  <screen><literal>runtime vimrc_example.vim</literal></screen>
+  If you do this,keep in mind that some of those options might be also 
included in our
+  example.</para>
+  </note>
+  <para>Review the following options and comment out those that you don't 
really need them.
+  </para>
 <screen><literal>" Begin .vimrc
+set autoindent
 set columns=80
+set foldmethod=indent
+set history=50
+set ruler
+set showcmd
+set wildmenu
 set wrapmargin=8
-set ruler
+iabbrev mispell misspell
+if &amp;t_Co &gt; 2 || has("gui_running")
+syntax on
+set hlsearch
+if has("autocmd")
+autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78
+autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
+autocmd BufReadPost *
+\ if line("'\"") > 0 &amp;&amp; line ("'\"") &lt;= line("$") |
+\   exe "normal g'\"" |
+\ endif
+if has("gui_running")
+map &lt;S-Insert&gt; &lt;MiddleMouse&gt;
+map! &lt;S-Insert&gt; &lt;MiddleMouse&gt;
+set guifont=Monospace\ 12
 " End .vimrc</literal></screen>
   <para>Note that the comment tags are " instead of the more
@@ -80,32 +120,79 @@
       of the backspace option.  It is fairly complex so see <command>:help 'bs'
       </command> for more details.</para>
+    <listitem>
+      <para><option>set background=dark</option>: This tells
+      <command>vim</command> to use colors which look good on a dark
+      background.</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para><option>syntax on</option>: Enables
+      <command>vim</command>'s syntax highlighting.</para>
+    </listitem>
+      <para><option>set autoindent</option>: This makes <command>vim</command> 
+     obtain the indent of the new line from the previous line.
+     <emphasis>Note</emphasis>. The <option>'autoindent'</option> option is 
reset when the
+     <option>'paste'</option> option is set.</para>
+     </listitem>
+    <listitem>
       <para><option>set columns=80</option>: This simply sets the
       number of columns used on the screen.</para>
-    <!--
+     <listitem>
+     <para><option>set foldmethod=indent</option>: By default 
<option>folding</option> is enabled.
+     Here we set the folding method. There are 5 more methods to choose from.
+     Issue: <literal>:help folding</literal> and <literal>:help 
foldmethod</literal> to find help about
+     folding and folding methods.
+     </para>
+     </listitem>
-      <para><option>set background=dark</option>: This tells
-      <command>vim</command> to use colors which look good on a dark
-      background.</para>
+      <para><option>set history=50</option>: The number of command-lines that 
are remembered
+      in the history table. Default are 20.</para>
-    -->
+      <para><option>set ruler</option>: This makes <command>vim</command>
+      show the current row and column at the bottom right of the screen.</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para><option>set showcmd</option>: Show (partial) command in status 
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+      <para><option>set wildmenu</option>: Make the command line completion to 
operate in
+       an enhanced mode. Issue <literal>:help wildmenu</literal> to know more 
about it's usage.</para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
       <para><option>set wrapmargin=8</option>: This is the number of
       characters from the right window border where wrapping starts.</para>
-    <!--
-      <para><option>syntax on</option>: Enables
-      <command>vim</command>'s syntax highlighting.</para>
+     <para><option>iabbrev mispell misspell</option>: Here is an example how 
to use the abbreviation  
+     future in insert mode. Abbreviations can also be used in Replace and 
Command line mode.
+     Issue: <literal>:help abbreviations</literal> to find out more about this 
+    </para>
-    -->
-      <para><option>set ruler</option>: This makes <command>vim</command>
-      show the current row and column at the bottom right of the screen.</para>
+     <para><option>if &amp;t_Co &gt; &hellip;</option>: If the number of 
supported colors in our
+     terminal are more than 2,or <command>vim</command> is running in GUI 
+     <para>Enable syntax highlighting.
+     Highlight all of the matched text during a search.</para>
+    <listitem>
+     <para><option>if has("autocmd") &hellip;</option>: If 
<command>vim</command> compiled with 
+     <option>autocmd</option> support then:</para>
+     <para>Limit the width of text to 78 characters for files with a .txt 
+     Automatically change the current directory to the directory of the 
current file.
+     Jump to the last cursor position when you are reopening a file.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+    <listitem>
+    <para><option>if has("gui_running") &hellip;</option>: If running in GUI 
mode then:</para>
+    <para>
+    Make shift-insert work like in <command>xterm</command> terminal emulator.
+    Sets the desired font.
+    </para>
+    </listitem>
   <para>More information on the <emphasis>many</emphasis>
@@ -115,5 +202,18 @@
   <command>vim</command> to get the general help, or by typing
   <command>:</command><option>help usr_toc.txt</option> to view
   the User Manual Table of Contents.</para>
+  <para>Another <command>vim</command> command,which might assist you while 
you are looking for 
+  <emphasis>help</emphasis> in the extended <command>vim</command> 
documentation,is the internal 
+  <command>grep</command> and particularly the <command>helpgrep</command> 
+  Issue:
+  <screen><literal>:helpgrep &lt;some pattern&gt;</literal></screen>
+  Then you can open a quickfix window to view the results.
+  <screen><literal>:copen</literal></screen>
+  Hit enter on the desired line to jump to the specific help text file.
+  When you are done,you can then close the quickfix window with:
+  <screen><literal>:close</literal></screen>
+  </para>
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