On 4/23/19 7:10 PM, Ken Moffat via lfs-dev wrote:
Linus Torvalds said:

| I absolutely abhor even the concept of building the kernel as root,
| and I think it should be actively disallowed. Our build system is
| good, but it's good as in "clever and complex" rather than necessarily
| good as in "very secure".
| So anybody who builds the kernel as root is doing something seriously
| wrong, in my opinion.
| That's partly exactly _because_ we have a lot of magical and very
| powerful build rules, and complicated implicit things going on.
| For example, our dependencies aren't even about just the files in the
| kernel repository itself, we have clever things like "if the compiler
| has been updated and features or version changes, we'll automatically

| rebuild, because it's part of our clever build system checks".
| But that is also part of the reason why I absolutely do *not* want any
| root-building to happen, because our build setup is simply way too
| clever.
| If root builds stuff, you'll end up with root-owned generated
| subdirectories or various config files etc, and even if you don't have
| security issues, it can complicate the build later as a regular user.
| I've had the build occasionally fail in odd ways, because some
| root-owned file was now no longer removable (usually it's the
| auto-generated header files in the directory, and the root-generated
| and owned directory is now not writable by the developer any more).
| And every time it happens, I shudder.
| So all of that simply boils down to "root should not be running those
| complex rules for our config and dependency magic".
| At the same time, "make install" obviously needs to be done as root.
| All of which is why I opine that "make install" should never build
| anything at all, it should purely be used as a "install previously
| built files".

So, is it time to chown the kernel source in page 8.3 to lfs, su lfs
and then for 'make modules_install' and the cp steps, 'as root, ...'
and finally 'exit' to get back to root without being nested ?

We build the entire system in Chapter 6 as root. Building the kernel in the chroot environment of Chapters 6-8 is really building in a sanitized system.

For the initial kernel, I usually do build as root unless I think I
might need to post to lkml for reporting a problem.  But that kernel
source gets thrown away later.  For upgrading a running system I
always manually build as user 'ken', so apart from the aggravation of
chown, su, ... su etc this will not affect what I do.  It's just like,
as in BLFS, encouraging good practice.

In BLFS we assume that the user is building as a non-privileged user for all packages. It's not a giant leap that rebuilding the kernel should not be done as root.

Also, remember the primary target audience of the books. We do want to have a secure system, but adding things that really don't add to the security just makes things more complex for new users.

Oh, and of course I don't run 'make install' for the kernel.

And neither does the book. I don't think I've ever used that.

  -- Bruce
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