Am Donnerstag, den 11.07.2019, 10:29 -0400 schrieb Lewis Pike via lfs-
> Hi all,
> Last year, I went through the process of adding multilib support to my
> existing 64-bit LFS system.  I had come across what appeared to be a
> fork of the book at
> which contained an additional chapter (Chapter 10) addressing this
> very topic.
> Sadly, the above link is now dead and the notes I had taken at the
> time aren't sufficient to reproduce my prior build.
> Might anyone have a copy of this fork or know where it can be found?
> .lewis

Hi Lewis,

thanks for showing interests in doing multilib stuff. DJ's work you
refered to was a big big help to setup the ML-branch you can find at - i think
it has been mentioned allready in this thread.

Without thinking about much in detail, adding ML support to an
existing non-ML system should not be more difficult than seting up a
fresh one. I think you'll just have to redo the core utils to be ML
enabled, than redo the other libs.
There are several libs in the ML-bool which are built in 32bit mode
too even they are not really required to run the (LFS) system. But
when going on to more sofisticated packages it will turn out that they
will need them. Thats the reason why those libraries are built in LFS
book, its just to provide ML support for doing BLFS.
The essence of ML is in binutils/gcc/glibc - this is where ML "lives".


Btw, after being away for vacation, i just merged the latest changes
to the ML-book, its now on SVN-20190721.

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