As a user of LFS, I appreciate the cleanliness of building the “/tools” 
directory in Chapter 5, for this simple reason: 

I can pause and log out midway through executing chapter 5, and come back - 
without worrying about re-establishing a “context” like a chroot in chapter 5 
would require. If I forget to enter chroot, the mistake can be costly.

This is VERY important: if I come back and continue without remembering to 
restart that chroot (if chroot were used in chapter 5) - I could mess up my 
current, running Linux system with a build step in chapter 5 that assumes I’m 
in a chroot environment. 

Whereas, if I forget the chroot step in Getting back to chapter 6 the next day, 
rarely does anything bad happen, because the build steps in chapter 6 are 
mostly such that they are exactly what I’d execute when installing a new 
version of one of the packages. (Yes, a build of glibc outside of the chroot 
could cause trouble...)

In short, forgetting to enter chroot  In chapter 6 has far less possible 
downside than it would if I forgot in chapter 5. /tools approach in chapter 5 
is harder to forget because the use of /tools is part of every build 
instruction just where it needs to be. There’s fewer assumptions about the 
current environment.


Sent from my iPhone

> On May 1, 2020, at 3:58 PM, Ken Moffat via lfs-dev 
> <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 01, 2020 at 03:53:55PM +0200, Pierre Labastie via lfs-dev wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I propose a new way to build LFS, which removes the need for the /tools
>> symlink, and decreases the number of tweaks needed when building gcc.
>> The current build builds a cross-compiler in pass1, and uses it as a
>> native compiler in pass2. This needs to use a non standard directory
>> (/tools) to host the toolchain and insulate it from the build machine.
>> The modified build uses the cross compiler to cross compile packages
>> that need themselves to be rebuilt, thus insulating them automatically
>> from the host, without the need for a non standard directory layout.
>> Chroot is entered as soon as possible, and the remaining chapter 5
>> packages are built in chroot.
> If that happens, entering chroot ought to be after chapter 5.  At
> the moment, we believe that up to the end of chapter 5 (apart from
> when creating the filesystem and setting up the lfs user) you will
> not trash the host system.  I'm worried about how people will
> misinterpret what they should be doing if they come from our present
> builds, particularly if they have created their own scripts.
>> This is WIP: the text must be improved at several places, bison and
>> flex may be moved to after chroot (to be tested). But the commands seem
>> to produce an acceptable system, with almost clean ICA.
>> You can view it at [1], only for sys V since I have not tested systemd
>> yet (I do not expect many changes).
>> There are pros and cons compared to the current method:
>>  pros: no /tools symlink, no need to tweak gcc sources, no need to
>> build twice ld in binutils-pass2, no need to readjust the toolchain
>> after chapter 6 glibc, no need to tweak the gcc specs, no need to
>> reinstall kernel headers in chapter 6.
>>  cons: chroot is entered in the middle of chapter 5 (maybe chapter 5
>> should be split), the debug sections of several packages reference
>> x86_64-lfs-linux-gnu instead of x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, binutils-pass2
>> needs "enable-shared".
> Not keen on that in the debug data, although I almost never use it.
>> Another pro, not tried, is that some simple packages built in chapter 5
>> may be built only once if testing them is not required.
> Based on experience from Pure LFS (5.0, where tests were introduced)
> I don't regard that as a pro :)
>> Comments and suggestions for improvement (there's a lot of room for
>> improvement) welcome.
>> Regards
>> Pierre
>> [1]
> My main concern with making a change like this is not that we might
> break the reliabilty, or the purity (ICA), but that we now
> understand most of the things which can go wrong, and we try to
> ameliorate them.
> With a revised process, we might lose most of our past knowledge
> about how breakage occurs (in the sense of "I saw this, I recall
> that I'd done/omitted ...), and therefore how to fix it.
> ĸen
> -- 
>                 See You Later, Holy Poppadom!
>                    -- Red Dwarf, The Promised Land
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