I'm currently building svn-20201223 sysv, the only 'variance' is
that the host is running a 5.10.1 kernel and in this build I'm using
5.10.2 headers.  I very much doubt that those are relevant.

We have not changed either gdbm or expect for a very long time, and
my last build (r12061 with a 5.9.8 kernel) passed the gdbm tests
when I ran them - that was on a different machine.

AFAICS the gdbm tests have not failed (on the builds where I ran
them) in the last 6 years, but today although all 30 of the main
tests still passed, one of the gdbmtool tests failed:

From gdbm-1.18.1/tests/gdbmtool.log -

Test run by root on Sat Dec 26 18:45:51 2020
Native configuration is x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

                === gdbmtool tests ===

Schedule of variations:

Running target unix
Using /usr/share/dejagnu/baseboards/unix.exp as board description file for 
Using /usr/share/dejagnu/config/unix.exp as generic interface file for target.
Using ./config/default.exp as tool-and-target-specific interface file.
Running ./gdbmtool/base.exp ...
spawn /building/gdbm-1.18.1/src/gdbmtool -q^M
^[[?2004hgdbmtool> status^M
^[[?2004l^MNo database name^M
Database is not open^M
define key string^M
define content string^M
^[[?2004hgdbmtool> PASS: status
^[[?2004l^MGDBM version 1.18.1. 27/10/2018 (built Dec 26 2020 18:45:49)^M
^[[?2004hgdbmtool> FAIL: version
^[[?2004l^Mtestcase ./gdbmtool/base.exp completed in 10 seconds

                === gdbmtool Summary ===

# of expected passes            1
# of unexpected failures        1
runtest completed at Sat Dec 26 18:46:01 2020

 - - -

The last unexpected new test failure I had seems to have been a race
(I forget which package, but it failed twice, then I added '|| true'
and it passed) so since this is also a -j8 build (not sure if the
tests use all cores, some CMMI packages now seem to pick that up
from the build) I retried with the same error, then added '|| true'
to allow it to not stop my build.  This time all those builds
reported that failure so it doesn't look like a race.

Odd, because I cannot see any change which is liekly to have
triggered this.

(The Balancing Monks) use small brass weights, none of them bigger
than a fist. They work. Well, obviously they work. The world has not
tipped up yet.             -- The Thief Of Time
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