Gerard Beekmans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On February 21, 2005 02:56 pm, Phoe6 wrote:
> > How should I be dealing with this?
> Boot back into Fedora Core 3, mount LFS an chroot into it.
> From within chroot, run: ldd /bin/login

ldd /bin/login => /lib/  (0xf6fce000) => /lib/ (0xf6f8f000) => /lib/ (0xf6fc89000)
/lib/ => /lib/ (0xf6fe7000)

> When you installed the Shadow package in Chapter 6, did you go through the
> configuration section? Did you enable shadow'ed passwords? Did you run
> "passwd root" to create a password for root?

Yes, I did pwconv, groconv and passwd root.

> While you're in chroot, make sure /etc/passwd contains this line:
> root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash

Yes, I does contain that line.

> And check the /etc/shadow file too. It will look something like:
> root:$1$oNt8kY9/$sHh9Yl6vT6X.q1rF9pfP7.:12656:0:99999:7:::

Yes Gerard, my /etc/shadow has something similar as well.

I also created a user while in chroot and saw its reference at
/etc/passwd and /etc/shadow.

I also want to inform this( if its related or not): while booting up
the lfs is prompting me to enter the run level
Enter Run Level:
I enter 3 and it proceeds and then comes this  login problem.

I am willing to try further suggestions.

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