Alessandro Alocci wrote these words on 07/14/06 14:01 CST:
> Hi, the configure for expect is:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr \
>             --with-tclinclude=/usr/include \
>             --enable-shared
> but it seems that is missing the switch
> --with-tcl=/usr/lib
> that was in previous version of the book.

Please, try to install this stuff before writing in (apparently
you haven't been, because if you did, you would see your suggestions
do not produce desired results).

In expect's case, the libdir doesn't need to be specified because
the lib is in /usr/lib already. It looks there by default. For
whatever reason (I've forgotten now), you must use the tclinclude
parameter though, or expect won't find it.


rmlscsi: [bogomips 1003.23] [GNU ld version 2.16.1] [gcc (GCC) 4.0.3]
[GNU C Library stable release version 2.3.6] [Linux i686]
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