Dan Nicholson wrote:
On 12/1/06, Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dan Nicholson wrote:
>> A find shows that the not-found file is in
>> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i486-linux/File. This leads me to thinking that
>> either the perl defaults in Configure may have been inappropriate or ?? >> I notice that autoconf references /tools, but not the normal /lib dirs
>> (being chrooted, I would've thought...)
> It certainly looks like your perl installation got screwed up. One
> interesting thing I notice is that you have
> /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i486-linux but /tools/lib/perl5/5.8.8/i686-linux.
> Notice the i486 vs. i686. What happened there?

Yeah, I noticed that too! What happened? Can't say. I tried to accept
all the defaults in the Configure process and ran a .gnu config per the

UPDATE! Looks like PERL did ok! The 486 came from the LFSLiveCD! maybe
that should be emphasized too... Saw lots of "WHOA!..." messages in
Perl. Most related to being unable to detect things that would normally
be detected, related to networking. There are others though.

I did my original find in one of my work session terms (not chrooted)
and it found the one on the LFSLiveCD.

Today, found that although I had not saved anything from the PERL
directory, I do have the log created with the stdout/err redirect (&>)
which looks almost as good as a config.log. Saw installs there in
.../i686/... and that prompted me to go into the chrooted session and do
the find (again, I thought :-P ).

My current assessment, based on a re-exam of the log snippet in the OP,
is that autoconf is the culprit. Or a missing instruction in the book?
Or an unexpected environmental deficiency when running from LFSLiveCD?
This conclusion derives from the fact that the missing file is where it
is supposed to be but autoconf only finds the /tools stuff.

Does that shed new light?

<snip Perl config comments and possible parametr to fix - thx >

> What sort of machine are you building on?

EPOX 8KRAI PRO w/3200+ Athlon, 2G of dual-channel PC3200, couple of SATA
drives, Lite-on decimate anything I want DVD/CD burner, decent ATI
Radeon AGP, etc.

Heh, *not* a 486 for sure!  :-P I have a couple. Use them w/IPCOP for my
firewall on the cable modem.

Indeed. Why don't you ship it over to me and I'll do some "testing" on it. :)

He-he! I'm testing on it... (re)learning LFS, learning about SATA and
maybe overclocking if I find an equivalent to the Zallman FHS on my
Athalon 2200+ machine. It dropped reported temperature by 10 degrees
Centigrade. During summer, was 36-42 degrees. At initial install,
reported 26 degrees! WOW! :-O

Unfortunately, the Zallman I bought requires the four pre-drilled holes
in the mobo around the socket (which that Acer mainboard has), so I have
to invest in one for this machine that doesn't require the holes (the
EPOX doesn't have them). Also, it is heavy. No more tossing the unit
around like a basketball. Breakage of the mobo might be a real
possibility with rough handling. :-(

I'll also being trying out Nvidia graphics for the first time.

Hmmm... I guess I could free it up in 10 years or so!  >:-) I keep my
comps. like I keep my vehicles. One of my gateway machines is sitting in
my first AT full tower chassis. Purchased in 1990. I Upgraded power,
changed things out over the years.

'Preciate the response. I'm lucky (no work this weekend). I 'll restart
with the PERL and find what his logs are named and save them. I'll post
results either way and a [SOLVED] version if I can see what the cause was.

Having found my output log chock full of information, I thought to skip
the Perl re-install. Look at the @INC in the log snippet. It does not
show the /usr/local/lib.../Glob.pm that the Perl log shows installed in

Keep the output from Configure. It's pretty verbose. Figuring out how
it came to those decisions is a whole nother ballgame, though. :)

Again, thanks for helping/

No problem. Good luck.

So, the new question, I think, is why does autoconf not detect the
chrroted correctly installed Perl stuff? It does find the /tools. Is it
perhaps using some config file left from the chapter 5 install?

I think that may be my first line of investigation.

As before, thoughts, comments, Qs, jokes are welcome.



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