On Thu, 2008-03-13 at 10:46 -0700, Ben Feinberg wrote:
> Sorry for being unclear, this error is occurring when I use the "root
> (hd1,3)" command in section 8.4 to make the system bootable.  I am
> aware of the different naming scheme, lfs is on partition sdb4 which
> (I think) corresponds to hd1,3, although I don't think that is the
> problem because I get the same error when I root (hd0,  TAB so it
> appears as if GRUB doesn't recognize that hard drive either.
> The partition set up
> sda1-Window
> sdb1-Data
> sdb2-Ubuntu
> sdb3-swap
> sdb4-LFS
> Sorry if this doesn't show up in the right thread location, I'm new at this.
> Ben

Ok what happens when you type grub

you should see 


then type at the prompt

root (hd1,3)

It should say:

 Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83

If that is working the grub can see and connect to your LFS partition.

setup (hd,0)

will then overwrite the first drive boot loader (Windows drive)

>From this point you will need to have the menu.lst file correct or you
will only be able to boot LFS.

Make sure that this is in your menu.lst 

title Windows
        rootnoverify (hd0,0)
        chainloader +1

You will need to copy the Ubuntu section from the menu.lst
on /dev/sdb2 /boot filesystem or Ubuntu won't boot.

I had similar trouble and I downloaded and burned the LFS Live CD and
booted that.  I then could "install and setup" grub, I just could not
get it to work from host system or from chroot.  After I installed and
setup grub using the LFS LiveCD all was fine.

Hope this helps.

Tayo'y Mga Pinoy

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