Success! Grub no longer hangs.

I reformatted the hard disk, installed Vector Linux 5.9 Light, ran zcat 
on /proc/config.gz, copied the resulting file to a USB flash drive 
formatted with the ext3 file system, reformatted the hard disk, and 
redid the LFS project (I took the opportunity to write some scripts to 
automate the process). When I reached Chapter 8.3 (Linux-, 
which is actually Linux-,  I copied the configuration file 
from the USB stick to /usr/src/linux/.config and, at the "make 
menuconfig" step, chose from the kernel configuration menu the "Load an 
Alternate Configuration File" option.

I still do not what caused Grub to hang, but compiling the kernel with 
the known-good configuration file solved the problem.

Thank you for all your help.


Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 10:15:59AM -0600, Wehner y Asociados wrote:
>> Ken, I forgot to mention that I'm working with the Live CD; I don't have 
>> a host system.
>> I've been thinking that perhaps my best option is to start over again. 
>> (That's not discouraging; I consider it part of the learning 
>> experience.) I could:
>  I'm reluctant to recommend that, because 6.3 has been out for some
> little time, so I conclude that building on your machine is very
> slow.  That doesn't surprise me.  So, if you can preserve what you
> have, all well and good.
>> 1. Install Vector Linux 5.8 Standard, which is the distro that has best 
>> worked on my machine.
>> 2. Run zcat on /proc/config.gz to obtain a known-good config file.
>  You assume they build the kernel with the option to save the config
> in /proc/config.gz.  Maybe they do, maybe they don't.  The previous
> way was to save a config in a file somewhere.  A quick attempt to see
> what is available suggests they have been hacked, and only their
> forums are currently available.
>> 3. Copy the config file to a USB memory stick. [This, because the CD-ROM 
>> will be tied up with the Live CD. (My USB memory stick worked flawlessly 
>> with LFS 6.2.)]
>> 4. Uninstall Vector Linux and start the LFS project anew, perhaps with 
>> Ver. 6.3, this time. (I could go the host system route, but prefer the 
>> Live CD method.)
>  I think building from a host which has everything on the disk
> instead of the CD might be slightly less slow.  OTOH, old machines
> had tiny disks.
>> 5. When I reach the kernel compilation step, copy the config file from 
>> the USB stick to, for example, /usr/src/linux/ and compile by running 
>> “make oldconfig,” as I learned from you.
>> Is it possible to back up what I have done so far to a USB memory stick? 
>> (The CD-ROM is not only tied up with the Live CD, it is read-only, so 
>> the USB stick is my only storage option.) If this is possible, I might 
>> even be able to rescue my present 6.2 project.
>  Probably.  If the kernel understands the filesystem (vfat, I
> suppose) just mount it somewhere and tar up the filesystem to it -
> vfat lacks permissions and might have problems with similar-named
> files (longer than 8.3, but identical in the first 11 or whatever
> characters), but wrapped in a tarball it will only be the tarball
> name that can be damaged.  If the kernel doesn't, I suppose you
> could format the stick for e2fs.
>  Also consider what Wit suggested, if you are able.
> ĸen
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