

I downloaded the .iso image of the latest LiveCD
[lfslivecd-x86-6.3-r2160.iso - kernel version], and wrote it
into a CD. But when I tried to install the same on my PC (intel
motherboard) from that LiveCD, it hangs at "PCI: Probing PCI hardware
(bus 00)" and does not come up. So, I have used "acpi=off pci=nommconf"
boot parameters to bypass the PCI probing. After which it says "I
couldn't find an LFS LiveCD in any drive!!". On looking into the init
script, I found out that It is not able to mount the CDROM itself. Since
it is the kernel that does the mounting, I have doubt on the
compatibility between kernel version and the hardware (Motherboard). Can
anybody tell me what would be the problem?


All suggestions are welcome.





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