Op Thu, 25 Feb 2010 17:23:58 +0100 schreef Baho Utot  

> I would like to boot LFS-6.5 on USB
> I have it working except that when I change from my desktop computer
> which has 3 drives to my laptop that only has one drive I must edit grub
> and change the kernel line to point to the prober /dev/sdx drive
> I would like to boot grub on the USB drive and have it come up without
> editing the kernel line for the drive
> I have searched the web looking for fixes and tried using UUID and  
> Labels.
> I have used e2label to set the label on the USB drive to LFS-6.5

> # The first entry is for LFS.
> title LFS 6.5-SDD1
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /boot/lfskernel- root=/dev/sdd1 rootdelay=10
It surprises me that this works on your laptop with only one drive. Why  
should your USB-device on the laptop also be named sdd1 as it is on your  

> title LFS 6.5-UUID
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /boot/lfskernel-
> root=UUID=6cb4887-1eb2-4180-9566-391a8b3f7b45 ro rootdelay=10
> title LFS 6.5-LABEL
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /boot/lfskernel- root=LABEL=LFS-6.5 ro rootdelay=10
I tried these too, but did not succeed either. The succesful advice I got  
was to delete the root= option altogether when booting from the USB-device  
because the bootpartition is already defined with the root(hd0,0)  
I am curious to know what the experts have to say about why the UUID- and  
LABEL-options don't work.

Hans Kaper.
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