On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 10:18:05AM -0700, jasonps...@jegas.com wrote:
> I'm curious if it is a bad deviation from the recommended installable
> fonts to only install DejaGnu Fonts and FreeFonts.
> I don't really have a need for Chinese, Korean or Japanese fonts really
> nor do I like Microsoft's mandates on how you can and can't use their
> fonts.
> If there are applications that will be thwarted without them, I'll grab
> them.
> If you folks think I should grab them anyway - I will also.
> What do you think?
> --Jason

 dejavu, not dejagnu :)

 Supposedly, (a few years ago now) bitstream-vera had better hinting
than dejavu, so I build both.  No idea if the hinting still differs.

 If you don't wish to read other writing-systems, and are happy to
see inverse-question-marks in place of those glyphs, you should be
ok.  +1 for avoiding MS font restrictions.

 If you ever find that some glyphs look "undernourished", they're
coming from freefont.  If this ever happens a lot, and you aren't
reading a *very* uncommon language, you might wish to try other
fonts :

 I think I first used Charis-SIL because it supports phonetic
symbols (common in reading about languages in wikipedia!).
Cantarell-fonts (which will be added to the fonts page when I put
gnome-3 in the book) are good for tiny sizes, and seem to have good
coverage.  Ubuntu-fonts seem to provide good coverage too (noticeable
in abiword, which is still unable to use fontconfig to get a glyph
from another font).

 Meanwhile, for the moment go ahead with only those two - it's easy
enough to add others later when you find a reason to try them.

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