On 07/16/2012 11:47 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Eleanore Boyd wrote:
>> The compilation process creates the hard links, so there is no need to
>> manually create links.
> Correct.
>> If anything, creating links beforehand may cause
>> errors due to the links pointing nowhere.
> LOL.  You can't create a hard link that points to nowhere.  You could
> create an empty file, but hard links don't 'point' anywhere.  They are
> just multiple directory entries that point to the same inode.
>     -- Bruce

One could do this

echo "test file" > test
ln test link1
ln test link2
ln link1 link3

ls -i

1333952 test 1333952 link1 1333952 link2 1333952 link3

rm test
ls -i
1333952 link1 1333952 link2 1333952 link3

Doesn't link[1..3] point to "no where"  or garbage?

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