On Sun, Sep 09, 2012 at 10:03:05PM +0000, Mikie wrote:
> Hello all,
> When I get done with my build of 7.1 ... I get "command not found" when I run 
> lspci or lsusb.
> Can someone tell me what package they are in?
> I can't find it.
> I see lspsi source is rolled into kernel.org ?
> Thanks.

 Now you are definitely going O/T for lfs-support ;-)

 Questions about packages not in the LFS book's minimal build belong
on blfs-support (and you will need to subscribe to that list to post
there).  Meanwhile, if you have a graphical browser handy, take a
look at the BLFS *long* index :
http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/longindex.html - the
programs are the second section in that [ well, apart from anything
that comes from a perl module - those aren't individually indexed ].

 I suppose that lynx can probably be used to read it, but graphical
browsers are a lot easier.

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