On 10/18/2013 10:08 AM, Dan McGhee wrote:
I'm trying to run a script to build a package--I use the package users
hint--which has the following:
package=$(whoami) #In this case I'm man-pages-3.5.3

Later when I want to define a variable containing the name of the
directory into which tar will extract the archive, I have
<pkgsrcdir=$(tar -tf $archive | grep / | head -n 1 | cut -d '/' -f 1)>

The script bails out at this point complaining that there's no file or
directory by that name.  Running <sh -x script_name reveals "archive =
""" (BTW sh reports that $packagedir and $package are properly defined.)

I have discovered that when I use {ls /sources/$(whoami) or $<anything
that gives "man-pages-3.5.3">.tar*} as a package user, the return is
<"man-pages-3.5.3*": No such file or directory.>  /sources is world
readable and writable.

If, however, I issue <ls /sources/man-pages*> the return is

The pattern matching is fine for root:
ls /sources/$foo.tar.*

gives the right answer.

I've never encountered this before.  My hunch is that it's some
environment variable.  I know that pattern matching involves globbing
and clobbering, but I don't know enough--and can't find the info--to
even experiment.

In the past, something like this usually leads to, "I can't see the
forest because there are so many trees in the way."  I don't know if I'm
really focusing on those trees or not.

In the meantime, I'm going to go through the bash man page.  I will be
grateful for any pointers or suggestions.


Hopefully, I can be a little more secific about this now after reading for while.

First, it appears that in the chroot environment and use of $foo{*,.tar.[b,g,x,z][b,g,x,z][b,g,x,z]} in a command does not expand the file name in the way I understand the use of "*" and []. Ex. <ls /sources/$foo*> returns the no such file error, and <ls /sources | grep $foo> returns nothing. ($foo=man-pages-3.5.3)

From the "Bash Reference Manual" I get:

Pattern Matching: After word splitting, unless the -f option has been set (see The Set Builtin <http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#The-Set-Builtin>), Bash scans each word for the characters '*', '?', and '['. If one of these characters appears, then the word is regarded as a pattern, and replaced with an alphabetically sorted list of file names matching the pattern. (This is what does not happen using $foo*.)

Set Builtin: -f

Disable filename expansion (globbing). (The behavior is as if the -f option was given, but I don't know how to determine if it was and, if so, to reverse it.)

Shopt Builtin: extglob

If set, the extended pattern matching features described above (see Pattern Matching) are enabled.

and: globstar

If set, the pattern '**' used in a filename expansion context will match all files and zero or more directories and subdirectories. If the pattern is followed by a '/', only directories and subdirectories match.

I then ran <shopt -s extglob,globstar> and <echo $BASHOPTS> gives:

I looks like I have everything I need to do filename expansion and pattern matching is there, but the results are the same.

I haven't seen anything on how I can check on the behavior of $.

Once again, I can use pattern matching and expansion as long as I don't use the value of a variable. <ls /sources | grep man-pages-3.5.3> works great as does <ls /sources/man-pages*>.

In my script I would like to call the archives and the patch files knowing only the name of the package; i.e. $<package name>.tar.* and $<packagename>*.patch. But until I can get this pattern matching thing resolved, I'll need to manually enter these parameters in the script. And that's not "elegant." :)


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