On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 01:22:23PM +0000, Richard wrote:
> Hello again,
> I am surprised and confused by the warnings and instructions in Section 8.3 - 
> can someone please elaborate on the points below?
> I have previously rebuild the kernel several times on a variety of distros 
> and although instructions differ there has always been one unshakable thing 
> in common: the kernel sources always always always live below /usr/src/linux. 
> I have just checked my host system (a recent clean install of slackware - 
> running 3.2.29-smp) and it too has a symlink from /usr/src/linux to the 
> current source tree. So the obvious questions arise:
> - Where should the kernel source be kept? Presumably below /sources with all 
> the rest?

 Keep it anywhere you like!  Or don't keep it extracted [ I believe
that certain iptables-related things want kernel source, but that is
extremely unusual and certainly iptables itself doesn't need the
kernel source for normal builds ].  Apart from during the build of
LFS, where root is the only user, there is no need to build the
kernel as root.

 For years, my kernel source lived in /home/ken.  I only moved it out
of there to avoid the waste of backing it up : as long as you can
recreate the .config, an extracted kernel tree isn't needed.

> - What are these dire consequences which are alluded to in the warning box at 
> the end of 8.3.1?
> - Is this a LFS-specific problem or are other distro making a mistake? As 
> just stated there seems to be such a symlink on slackware and I had a brief 
> flirtation with gentoo which I am sure also store kernel source below 
> /usr/src/linux?
 I have a very vague recollection that one or two packages (probably
not in BLFS) used to pick up kernel details by looking at
/usr/src/linux , if it existed, in the very distant past.  ISTR they
actually wanted to know the capabilities of the _running_ kernel.

 But yes, we consider that everyone making an unnecessary
/usr/src/linux symlink is mistaken, just as we consider that
updating the kernel headers when updating the kernel is wrong.

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