> From: "Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers" <edgaralw...@gmx.de>
> To: LFS Support List <lfs-support@lists.linuxfromscratch.org>
> Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:14:34 +0100
> Subject: Re: [lfs-support] LFS 20141104-systemd
> On Saturday 29 November 2014 21:21:50 Paul Rogers wrote:
> > > I'm inclined to give up on systemd ( I don't want, like or need more
> > > complexity)
> is systemd really more complex ?

What do you think?

> I just finisched building my BLFS-Systemd and it is working like a charm. It 
> was, sure, a little different to build. But more complex ?

What do _you_ think? 

> It is faster, in my opinion. I agree, this does not need to be an argument. 
> One question is, is it worth to be defined as the new system on LFS ? if yes, 
> what are the arguments ? Or is it just an alternative ? 

You seem to pop up periodically with bursts of more-or-less exactly the
same purported questions at more-or-less exactly the same level; and always
seem to _insinuate_ a stance rather than stating anything explicitly.

What do _you_ think are the answers to these same ostensible questions
that you ask yet again. Has your understanding and knowledge of the issues
developed at all since the last burst.

What does "is it worth to be defined as the new system on LFS" even mean? Are
you trying to say - but choking on the notion of actually stating something
explicitly - that you think that the "main" lfs should be systemd; or what?

> I personally dont understand why "systemd flame wars" happened.


Again, you seem to _insinuate_ something limply rather than state anything
clearly and explicitly. What is it that you're trying to say. What do you
think should have happened.

(Btw, are you talking about "systemd flame wars" in general, or the
blfs-systemd flame wars and schism/fork.)

> With many thanks to _all_ developers,

 - another asinine limp string of characters. '_all_' developers includes
a _very_ wide spectrum of behaviours and activities: u sure you mean
accurately "_all_" ?

As predicted, here is the type of thing that is being done to sysd:



> Edgar
> -- 
> Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers <edgaralw...@gmx.de>

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