> From: ssmtpmailtesting ssmtpmailtesting <ssmtpmailtest...@gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2016 19:27:07 +0600
> Subject: [lfs-support] What is the best way to backup whole lfs system?
> I did this: cp -arf /mnt/lfs /media/sda7

 '-a' includes '-r'  .

> Is it ok? Or should I use other tool to backup whole system?

* try to avoid 'needing' to use '-f' (or '--backup=...' or '-i') here:
  instead, try to copy to an empty target area.

* if you have more than one source partition to backup, and you want
  to retain that 'more-than-one-partition' structure, then look at the
  '-x' option for 'cp', or use the 'dd' command.

  You'd do 'cp -ax src-partition-N tgt-area-N' (or 'dd ...') once for
  each value of N, ie for each partition to be backed-up.

  It's ok to omit the '-x' and just use 'cp -a ...': but you'll lose the
  'more-than-one-(separate-)partition' structure.

* if you want the backed-up stuff to be in a ready-to-boot state,
  then you'd likely need to mark the backup-of-'/mnt/lfs' as bootable
  in partition table; and adjust grub/fstab .


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