Hi All, it’s been a while since I posted here!

I have just finished running through a build of LFS 7.10-systemd and have
rebooted my computer. I am currently getting a kernel panic when the kernel
is booting. According to the messages on the screen (which I can try and
transcribe if anyone needs them), it looks like the kernel cannot locate my
‘/’ partition on the USB hard disk, and tells me that I need to correct my
‘root=’ line in the bootloader configuration to one of the partitions on
the internal HD. It seems like the kernel is not detecting the USB disk at

The only significant deviations I have made from the book is that I am
using Extlinux as my USB bootloader, which is being chainloaded from
Ubuntu’s GRUB2, which is on the internal disk. I also have FORTRAN, D and
Obj-C(++) compiled into GCC (though I can’t imagine this being an issue).

My disks:

# /dev/sda (internal, GRUB2)

# Partition  Label            FS         Notes
/dev/sda1    System Reserved  ntfs       Windows8 Recovery
/dev/sda2    Windows8         ntfs
/dev/sda3    Extended         -
/dev/sda5    -                cryptswap  Ubuntu’s Swap (host system)
/dev/sda6    Root             ext4       Ubuntu’s Root (host system)
/dev/sda7    Home             ext4       Ubuntu’s Home (host system)

# /dev/sdb (USB 3.0, Extlinux)

# Partition  Label            FS         Notes
/dev/sdb1    MiraBoot         ext2       LFS’s /boot partition
/dev/sdb2    VegaSwap         swap       LFS’s swap partition
/dev/sdb3    Mira             ext4       LFS’s / partition
/dev/sdb4    Extended         -
/dev/sdb5    Vega             xfs        External storage
/dev/sdb6    MiraHome         xfs        LFS’s /home partition

# /boot/extlinux.conf

UI vesamenu.c32

MENU TITLE Vega Boot Menu


      MENU LABEL ^Mira (LFS-7.10-systemd)
      LINUX /vmlinuz-4.9.9-lfs-7.10-systemd
      APPEND root=/dev/sdb3 rw

LABEL lfstwo
      MENU LABEL Mira (^Second option)
      LINUX /vmlinuz-4.9.9-lfs-7.10-systemd
      APPEND root=LABEL=Mira rw

# Note that both menu entries point to the same partition – both have the
same result.


Any thoughts? Will I need an initramfs to load the USB drivers, or am I
missing something from the kernel configuration?

Thanks all!

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