On Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 10:47:14AM -0400, Isaac D. Cohen wrote:
> I found the problem. When I check up that path to see if I have
> Encode.pm I found that my perl directory was called per15 instead
> of perl5. It must have happened as a result of the font in the book
> which makes it a bit hard to see the difference between l and 1.
> When I type in such commands in the future I'll try to be more
> careful to copy them correctly.
> Thank you very much,
> Isaac D. Cohen

Fonts can be a bit of a pain when you don't know what text to expect
(digit one, lowercase l, uppercase I can sometimes look alike, also
digit zero and capital O).  I suggest that you find a better font for
your *host* system's browser.

I'll assume you are doing this in Xorg.  First, look at your
browser's setup to find which font(s) you are using.  Then look for
alternatives which are provided by your distro.  You might even have
them already installed.  You probably need to look at both monospace
and sans serif fonts.

A good place to begin is probably DejaVu.  GNU Freefont should also
be good, but perhaps not bold enough.  I think you said you were
using ubuntu - the ubuntu fonts do distinguish l and 1.

I have PDF examples of how fonts look when used for text - my
interest is in getting good language coverage, but the language
examples should have enough English text to give a feel for how the
font looks.

If you are interested, see http://zarniwhoop.uk/ttf-otf-notes.html
The PDFs in the 'Langs' links show how the font appears (provided it
covers English text).  I mostly use firefox as my main browser, that
can be set to open PDFs itself.

At this stage, if you need to add fonts to your host system then
search for fonts provided by your distro.

I live in a city. I know sparrows from starlings.  After that
everything is a duck as far as I'm concerned.  -- Monstrous Regiment
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