> A little more to report on...I don't know how to understand this - 

Indeed, and that deserves some thought.

> As I mentioned, I repeated the whole exercise - right from setting up a 
> new VM with identical settings. Followed all the steps exactly, once 
> again. And everything is working fine for tcl-8.6.8. It is compiling 
> even with -O2.
> Now I have 2 VMs with identical settings where one fails to compile 
> tcl-8.6.8 with -O2 and the other where it is fine. I don't know how to 
> interpret this. I am accepting that I might have made a mistake in the 
> first instance, but the failure was very subtle, undetectable and I 
> don't know how to understand the peculiar behavior (compiling only with 
> -O2 optimization fails, but -O1 succeeds).

Personally, I *wouldn't* recommend building in a VM.  One just adds one more 
level of uncertainty, the virtual environment.  I prefer "bare iron".  When, as 
it inevitably does, it comes to trouble shooting, one must have someplace solid 
to stand on.

> ...  But if you want to go on to build a desktop with a modern
> graphical browser then 8GB RAM (and even with that, maybe swap if you
> are doing other things during the compilation) is more comfortable.
> For a server, it probably varies between different packages.  Some
> are fairly light to build.
> So no, for LFS-only, 6GB should be adequate.  And I suspect many
> ...

Just as a data point, I'm running 7.10, XCFE, Firefox, LibreOffice on an old 
Conroe Core2-Duo 6700 (non E-), 4GB.  This is my "daily driver".  It's "fast 
enough", and that's all I need.  I don't need a computer so fast it will finish 
things before I've got it all thought out, if you know what I mean.  Sometimes 
it can be a good thing when one can't just "brute force it" and has to do it 
with some finesse.

I'll do building on an old 12GB i7-940, so's I can use -j8.

Paul Rogers
Rogers' Second Law: "Everything you do communicates."
(I do not personally endorse any additions after this line. TANSTAAFL :-)
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