On Mon, Aug 06, 2018 at 03:02:28PM -0700, Paul Rogers wrote:
> > You are correct.
> > 
> > "echo "int main(){}" > dummy.c &&
> >     cc dummy.c -Wl,--verbose | grep SEARCH | sed 's/; /\n/g' "
> > still points to /tools/lib.
> > 
> > I saved a copy of /tools and /sources before starting chapter 6.
> > 
> > Can I exit chroot and delete certain folders, stay in chroot and delete
> > certain folders, stay in chroot and delete all the contents or is there
> > another option?
> > I should be able to restart Chapter 6, right?

I've not really been following this because the original problem was
so uncommon (so, I suppose bonus points to the OP for a new
variation on doing the build wrongly).  More comments below.
> Please stop top-posting, not having seen the relevant reference annoys people 
> here.  I know, my email client wants to do that too, but it's really easy 
> enough to reposition.
> Now then, it would seem that with prudent backups along the way one should be 
> able to "surgically" remove what's wrong and pick it up at just the right 
> spot.  Been there done that, as have we all, but it's a waste of time.  
> You'll be miles ahead by blowing it all away, restoring just the /tools 
> backup, if you got it all and at the right place, and starting Ch6 from 
> scratch.  This time you might consider putting all the book's instructions 
> for each package in a script you can quickly and rerun error-free.  That is a 
> time saver.

As a first step, in chroot use bash's history (up-arrow) to compare
what was actually typed against what the book says.  Or

 history >/duff-hist

and then, on the host (possibly as root if that file is not readable)

 less /mnt/lfs/duff-hist

The important thing is to discover what was wrong.  We get a lot of
reports where people did *something* wrong, eventually started over
and then succeeded.  But (for the builder, not for us on the list!)
understanding what went wrong is the best approach.

After that, yes, exiting chroot, umounting /mnt/lfs, wiping it and
restoring from the backup should work.

Like Paul, I use my own scripts and on the (hopefully rare)
occasions where I screw up in applying a change from the book I
usually work out what I did wrong and then start again.  But the
problem with using scripts - mostly for the first-time user,
although I screwed up recently myself - is dealing with errors.

So, while LFS teaches enough for people to be able to come up with
their own scripts, I do not recommend that for a first build.  And
I'm sure many peole here would be horrified by my scripts - but they
usually work ok for me ;-)

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