On 3/19/19 1:55 PM, Pei Jia wrote:

Hi, Thank you Pierre and Bruce:

1. Right now, I booted into my laptop's  Ubuntu 18.04.2, and /dev/sde1 corresponds to my USB stick for sure, as I can definitely see the following line:

➜  ~ sudo blkid


/dev/sde1: LABEL="skyvision-3.0" UUID="d8a7b940-0ff5-41c4-81a0-9fd1797501ed" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="0860eda0-01"

2. However, when I *reboot*, after pressing *ESC*, I entered *grub >* :

if I do *ls*, I'm 100% sure (hd0), (hd0,msdos1) corresponds to my *USB stick drive* and *partition* respectively, as I can do:

*set root=(hd0,msdos1)*

*cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg*

which I can easily tell it is just the grub I put under the *USB stick's /boot/grub/ folder*, which is of course, totally different from the one on my laptop's ....

3. So, I believe there might be 2 possible reasons?

 From this picture: https://longervision.cc/bugs/gparted.jpg

  * My USB stick is NOW of a *msdos partition table*, but *ext4
    filesystem*, is that OK? As mentioned by William that I may *NOT*
    have *vfat* built into the *kernel*. I'll check it again...
  * On this page:
    I *didn't *do *grub-install* at all (under lfs configuration and on
    the USB stick). However, I did *sudo update-grub* to have my *host
    laptop's grub updated*, which seems working properly, because it
    *did successfully detect and add the booting info* under*/dev/sde1*
    to my *host laptop's grub.cfg*. And... how can I detect if *EXT4*
    *module* is successfully loaded by the *LFS kernel*? It seems *EXT4
    is NOT a module*, but *built into kernel by default *already?

If you top post again after we have asked you not to do so several times, I will not answer again.

An msdos filesystem is OK. You can make any type of filesystem on any partition. GRUB is finding your kernel just fine. The problem is how the kernel recognizes the disk. When you boot and get the grub prompt, type e for edit and change the root= line to /dev/sda1 on the *linux* line. Do *not* change the line that says set root=(hd0,msdos1). That part is working properly.

If that doesn't work, try different variations sdb1, sdc1, sdc1, etc.

  -- Bruce

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