I'm at the end of the LFS book and installing a few helpful
BLFS programs, using
Beyond Linux® From Scratch (systemd Edition) - Version 2020-01-03

At the end of installing Cyrus SASL-2.1.27 you're supposed to
run "make install-saslauthd" after downloading the file in
"blfs-systemd-units-20191026". The question is where this
should be downloaded to.

The section BLFS Systemd Units states:

. . . When a systemd unit is requested from BLFS Systemd Units,
simply change to the directory, and as the root user, execute
the given make install-<systemd-unit> command. . .

Change to what directory?

I've downloaded the blfs-systemd file to $LFS/sources and to
$LFS/sources/cyrus-sasl-2.1.27, switched to those directories,
and executed "make install-saslauthd". It fails with the

make: *** No rule to make target 'install-saslauthd'.  Stop.

I've done this hundreds of times with no problems when I last
built LFS several years ago, with no issues.

What am I missing?

The section also states:

It is advisable to peruse each systemd unit before installation
to determine whether the installed files meet your needs.

I've looked at the "blfs-systemd-units-20191026" file, but
vim indicates nothing useful inside.


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