Hello Daniel and all,

On Thursday 02 June 2011 12:06:19 am you wrote:
> You can conveniently set settings to apply only to specific servers, for
>  example set ftp:ssl-force/ftp.example.com on

> set ftp:use-feat/example.com off
> set ftp:ssl-force/example.com on

This feature is soooo cool and soooo undocumented anywhere I looked (man page 
as well as online lftp tutorials). 

Also the exact syntax to use on configuration files is not clearly mentioned 
anywhere. Luckily, I found some forum posts where people had posted their 
config files, which was helpful.

I have added this in the new wiki page:
Let me know if I have anything wrong or if I missed something potentially 
> Looks like a misbehaving server.
> A friendlier server would advertise AUTH TLS in the FEAT reply so that
>  clients connecting know it's supported.

That was useful. Apparently, in my case, this was the source of the difficulty. 
I documented this possibility in the wiki, using the examples from this 

Earlier in the thread, you wrote:

> don't even use
> "ftps://" with lftp since that is for implicit ftps, [...]
> For explicit TLS just open it like "ftp://"; or you don't even need to
> specify a protocol since ftp is the default.
> Using an encrypted control connection when available is also turned on by
> default in lftp (set ftp:use-feat yes, set ftp:ssl-allow yes).

This was very helpful as I was trying to complete the table with the various 
protocols and their URI schemes. 
Let me know if you see and glaring mistakes:
I hope that this table alone will make it easier for future users to 
understand when to use what.

In my case: the server uses FTPES which is really FTPS (explicit) except that 
I cannot use the FTPS:// URI scheme (used for FTPS implicit) but rather the 
FTP:// scheme, except that it won't connect securely because the sever won't 
acknowledge using FTPES in the first place even though it really does!
I think that's a nice summary of the whole thread!!

LOL! No wonder I was confused. :) 
I hope to be the last one to be confused on this specific issue.

> Keep in mind I'm just a fellow user hanging around on this mailing list, my
>  only qualification being a long-time satisified user of lftp. :)

That's already a lot.
See my blog on the whole experience:

> There are two additional things to note in regards to using TLS with ftp.
> First is certificate verification, same as when you'd visit an https web
>  site. It's of little comfort that your password was sent with strong
>  encryption if you sent it to the wrong guy. TLS uses certificates to help
>  ensure you are connected to who you intented to.
> A basic setup is to make sure certificate verification is turned on (these
>  too are on by default in the current version): set ssl:check-hostname yes
> set ssl:verify-certificate yes
> set ssl:ca-file "path to your a certificate bundle file, containing the
>  certificate authorities you choose to trust"
> An easy answer to what bundle of certificates authorities to trust is to
>  just take what your browser vendor (eg. Mozilla) or operating system
>  vendor supplies. Then you'll be generally as safe as you'd be accessing
>  https web site in your browser. More paranoid users might hand-pick what
>  certificate authorities to trust on their own.
> The second important part for ftp with TLS is unique for ftp's peculiarity
>  of using multiple connections, one as a control channel and a separate one
>  for transferring data.
> lftp by default is set to encrypt only the control channel and leave the
>  data channel in the clear. I find computers and Internet connections
>  plenty fast enough nowadays to afford encrypting everything, so just turn
>  it all on:
> set ftp:ssl-protect-data yes
> set ftp:ssl-protect-list yes
> As you can see from all this, everything is a whole lot simpler if you just
>  connect with sftp to an ssh2 server instead. Everything is always
>  encrypted no matter what, no separate control and data channels to worry
>  about, no certificate authorities to trust (a host fingerprint is verified
>  instead).

Thank you for this explanation. It is, at very long last, starting to make 
sense to me.
I couldn't have said it better, so, as per your authorization, I have added it 
almost verbatim to the wiki.

Many, many, many, thanks for your tremendous help. :)




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