If I set "set cmd:move-background yes" in my rc file, I queue several downloads and I exit of lftp. The downloads are backgrounded and lftp terminates silently when all downloads are finished. I would like an option to alert me when all downloads are complete.

"set  cmd:at-exit '....'" doesn't work because is executed when I exit of lftp, no when the downloads are finished.

Another option (that actually I use) is create an alias like:
alias finished "!notify-send -i lftp1 -c 'transfer.complete' 'LFTP' 'Transferencias finalizadas'"
and I add this at finish of the queue.
But it requires that I don't forget to add this alias to queue always.

One option much more comfortable it would be to add an option like "cmd:at-finish" or "cmd:at-queue-complete" that it executes when lftp really finish (first command) or when the queue is finished (second command).
Is this possible?
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